Man nearly dies after contracting Sepsis


A man has told the Leicester Mercury that during a recent trip to Majorca he contracted Sepsis. What he initially thought was just a tummy bug turned out to be more worse. Michael Lapworth who was on holiday with his family, contracted a bout of diarrhoea and sickness when staying on Alcudia Beach in Majorca.

But the illness turned out to be the life threatening Sepsis. The illness causes some 37,000 deaths each year.

The school teacher within days had fallen into a coma, and was in a life threatening status. Sepsis is caused when a life-threatening condition which happens when body’s immune system goes into overdrive in response to an infection.

a life-threatening condition which happens when body’s immune system goes into overdrive in response to an infection.

Sepsis is when the body’s immune system goes into overdrive in response to an infection.

Awareness of Sepsis needs to be made more public. To read more about the condition visit the UK Sepsis Trust website and to read more about Michael’s awful ordeal please find the article here.

If you have been affected by sickness whilst abroad on holiday on an all inclusive or package basis, then you could be eligible for compensation in the 1000s. Call us the holiday sickness claim experts on 0845 982 5501 or email or take 15 seconds and submit a short claim form today

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